Astro sign: Gemini/Cancer Cusp
Volunteer history: I don’t really have any direct connections with agencies or organizations. As you know, I am an avid animal rescuer (have been since I was a child and at the age of 5 made my dad let me bring home a baby duck we found on the street in Downtown LA).
Favorite Quote: “I believe in the immeasurable power of love; that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance.” – Steve Maraboli
Favorite Color: Pink!
Hobbies/Interests: Makeup, Photography, Film. Immigration Reform and Rights. The last three years have tested my patience, love, and true belief in myself as a daughter and artist. I now know that I have been given this life, because I am strong enough to live it. While pursuing my craft, protecting the rights and being the voice for a very special little lady in my life… Every day I grow and become the woman I was put in this world to be.